Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza

Estudio General y Universidad Primaria Turritana A.D. 1632
Università degli Studi di Sassari

Incoming students

Studying at the University of Sassari as an Erasmus student

Studying at the Department of Law


The Department offers the following degree courses:


  • Laurea magistrale in Giurisprudenza: a single cycle degree in Law ( 5 year course). 


  • Laurea triennale in Scienze dei Servizi Giuridici: a first cycle degree in Legal Services ( 3 year course).
  • Laurea triennale in Scienze strategiche e Giuridiche della Difesa e della Sicurezza: a first cycle degree in Strategic and Legal Sciences on Defense and Security (3 year course – starting from the year 2023/24, so only subjects of the first year will be taught).
  • Laurea triennale in Scienze Politiche: a first cycle degree in Political Science ( 3 year course).


Click here and look for the Department of Law to see the English translation of the above mentioned degree courses.

Further information about courses, lesson plan, etc are available here:
Didattica and Offerta formativa

Courses contents: https://uniss.coursecatalogue.cineca.it/cerca-insegnamenti

Erasmus students can attend lessons from all degree programmes according to their learning agreements. Please note that most of the classes are offered in ITALIAN; however, for some subjects, studying material may be available in English and exams may be taken in English. Please contact us to find out more about English friendly subjects.  

For any further information:
International Relations and Students' Mobility Programmes Coordinator – Department of Law
Prof.ssa Maria Luisa Serra - e-mail:  mlserra@uniss.it

International Relation Office - Department of Law
Dr. Valeria Petrucci - administrative responsible 
 e-mail: vpetrucci@uniss.it , phone: +39 079228991